Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ tháng 4 27, 2008

DNS Server in Vietnam (Viettel) (VDC) (FPT)

Join mac OS to windows server 2003 domain

• The IP Address of your PC (Start > Run > CMD {return} > “ipconfig” {return}) • The IP Address of your Mac (Applications > Utilities > Terminal {Run app} > for ethernet connection “ipconfig getifaddr en0” {return} or for wireless "ipconfig getifaddr en1" {return}) From your MAC: go to the 'go' menu and down to 'connect to server' type in smb://xxx.xxx.x.x/share name It is important that the account you log in with on your XP system has a password set , if it does not you will not be able to login to your Windows share from OS X. You need to put your Mac in the same workgroup as your Windows PC. To do this open “Directory Access” (Applications > Utilities > Directory Access). Click on the padlock in the bottom left corner to make changes; you will be prompted for your password. If “SMB” is not ticked off, then tick it off. Select “SMB” and hit the “Configure…” button. Now enter the name of your Windows workgroup. Setting up the PC to ...