Three things in order to run video flv:
1. Create blank new flash file. Open library, add "New video" object to library, then add it to stage with the instance name "my_video". 2. Create new layer with a multy-line input text field w/ a border that lies above the "blank video object". The instance name of the txt object must be: "status_txt" 3. Add script written below to the first frame of the flash movie. Save flash movie with the name you want + put following FLV file (videoFile.flv) in the same directory where you're going to execute SWF for streaming. ****************************Code************************************ status_txt.text += "initialize streaming engine" + newline; // Create a NetConnection object var netConn:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); status_txt.text += "creating net connection object..." + newline; // Create a local streaming connection netConn.connect(null); var netStreamStatus = ""; var videoStatus = "loading";...