Adobe CS4 Full Collections.

Sao, bộ Lynda CS3 các bạn luyện đã xong chưa, còn cả bộ 5 DVD Top Secret nữa chứ. ;))
Nói từ Toàn tập thì hơi xấu hổ, vì CS4 là sản phẩm mới, nên tài liệu chưa nhiều. Hơn nữa, nhìn vào danh sách các video trên trang, tieudao cũng thấy ớn.
Nhưng thôi, cứ lập ra bài này, sẽ là nơi cập nhật thường xuyên tài liệu học tập từ

Không như bộ CS3, bộ này làm lại hoành tráng hơn nhiều, Menu cho các bài học rõ ràng, muốn chuyển qua các bài khác cũng rất tiện lợi. Xem hình phát nào!

I. Acrobat.
I.1. Acrobat 9 Professional Tips and Tricks
I.2. Acrobat 9 Pro Getting Started.
I.3. Acrobat 9 Pro: Creating Forms
I.4. Acrobat 9 Pro Essential Training
I.5. Acrobat 9 Pro: Creating Multimedia Projects

II. Acrobat 3D.

II.1. Acrobat 3D Version 8 Essential Training

III. Acrobat Connect.

III.1. Acrobat Connect Professional Essential Training
III.2. Getting Started with Acrobat Connect (Chưa có)

IV. Adobe Photoshop CS4

IV.01. Photoshop CS4 Essential Training.
IV.02. Photoshop CS4 New Features.
IV.03. Photoshop CS4 Getting Started
IV.04. Photoshop CS4: Selections in Depth
IV.05. Photoshop CS4 Extended for Video
IV.06. Photoshop CS4: Image Adjustments in Depth
IV.07. Photoshop CS4 One-on-One: Mastery
IV.08. Photoshop CS4: Blend Mode Magic
IV.09. Photoshop CS4: Layers in Depth
IV.10. Photoshop CS4 One-on-One: Advanced
IV.11. Photoshop CS4 Retouching: Fashion Photography Projects
IV.12. Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: Desktop Printing Techniques
IV.13. Photoshop CS4 for the Web
IV.14. Photoshop CS4 Extended for 3D
IV.15. Photoshop CS4 Portrait Retouching Essential Training
IV.16. Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: Creative Color
IV.17. Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: Creative Effects
IV.18. Photoshop CS4 One-on-One: Fundamentals
IV.19. Photoshop CS4 for Photographers
IV.20. Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: Camera Raw
IV.21. Photoshop CS4 Power Shortcuts
IV.22. Photoshop CS4: Color Correction
IV.23. Photoshop CS4: Layer Masks in Depth
IV.24. Photoshop Elements 8 for Windows Essential Training
IV.25. Photoshop CS4: Smart Objects

V. After Effects CS4

V.01. After Effects CS4 Beyond the Basics
V.02. After Effects CS4: Apprentice’s Guide to Key Features
V.03. After Effects CS4: Wiggle Transform Tips
V.04. After Effects CS4 Essential Training
V.05. After Effects CS4 New Features
V.06. After Effects CS4 Getting Started
V.07. After Effects CS4 New Creative Technique
V.08. After Effects Project Workflow

VI. Bridge

VI.01. Bridge CS4: 10 Things Designers Need to Know (Chưa có).

VII. Contribute CS4

VII.01. Contribute CS4 Essential Training (Chưa có).

VIII. Device Central CS4

VIII.01. Device Central CS4 Essential Training (Chưa có).

IX. Dreamweaver CS4

IX.01. Dreamweaver CS4: Introduction to Spry
IX.02. Dreamweaver CS4 Dynamic Development
IX.03. Dreamweaver CS4 Essential Training
IX.04. Dreamweaver CS4 Getting Started
IX.05. Dreamweaver CS4 New Features
IX.06. Web Site Planning and Wireframing: Hands-On Training
IX.07. Creating a CSS Style Guide: Hands-On Training
IX.08. Dreamweaver CS4 with CSS Essential Training.
IX.09. Creating a First Web Site with Dreamweaver CS4

X. Encore CS4

X.01. Creating Flash Web Sites in Encore CS4
X.02. Encore CS4 Essential Training
X.03. Encore CS4 New Features
X.04. Encore CS4 Getting Started
X.05. Encore DVD

XI. Fireworks CS4

XI.01. Fireworks CS4 Essential Training
XI.02. Fireworks CS4 Getting Started
XI.03. Fireworks CS4 New Features
XI.04. Fireworks CS4 Rapid Prototyping

XII. Flash CS4

XII.01. Flash CS4 Professional: Building UI Elements
XII.02. Creating a First Web Site with Flash CS4 Professional
XII.03. Flash CS4 Professional: Building Search Engine Friendly Sites
XII.04. Flash CS4 Professional: Object-Oriented Programming
XII.05. ActionScript 3.0 in Flash CS4 Professional for Designers
XII.06. Flash CS4 Professional Tools for Character Animation
XII.07. Flash CS4 Professional Essential Training
XII.08. Flash CS4 Professional Getting Started
XII.09. Flash CS4 Professional New Features
XII.10. Flash CS3 Professional Beyond the Basics
XII.11. Flash CS4 Professional Audio Techniques

XIII. Illustrator CS4

XIII.01. Illustrator CS4 One-on-One: Advanced
XIII.02. Designing a Newsletter Hands-On Workshop
XIII.03. Designing a Magazine Layout Hands-On Workshop
XIII.04. Illustrator CS4 Beyond the Basics
XIII.05. Designing an Event Poster Hands-On Workshop
XIII.06. Illustrator CS4 One-on-One: Fundamentals
XIII.07. Illustrator CS4 for the Web
XIII.08. Illustrator CS4 Essential Training
XIII.09. Illustrator CS4 Getting Started
XIII.10. Illustrator CS4 New Features
XIII.11. Illustrator CS4 One-on-One: Mastery

XIV. InDesign CS4

XIV.01. InDesign CS4: 10 Things to Know About Interactive PDFs
XIV.02. Designing a Newsletter Hands-On Workshop
XIV.03. InDesign CS4: 10 Tips for Troubleshooting
XIV.04. InDesign CS4: 10 Habits of Highly Effective Pros
XIV.05. Designing a Magazine Layout Hands-On Workshop
XIV.06. InDesign CS4: 10 Things to Know About GREP
XIV.07. InDesign CS4: 10 Free Must-Have Scripts
XIV.08. InDesign CS4: 10 Essential Tips
XIV.09. InDesign CS4: 10 Free Must-Have Plug-ins
XIV.10. Designing a Brochure Hands-On Workshop
XIV.11. InDesign CS4 Beyond the Basics
XIV.12. InCopy CS4 and InDesign CS4 Workflow Essential Training
XIV.13. InDesign CS4 Essential Training
XIV.14. InDesign CS4 New Features
XIV.15. InDesign CS4 Getting Started
XIV.16. InDesign CS4: Interactive Documents and Presentations
XIV.17. InDesign CS4: Typography

XV. Premiere Pro CS4

XV.1. Premiere Pro CS4 Essential Training
XV.2. Premiere Pro CS4 New Features
XV.3. Premiere Pro CS4 Getting Started
XV.4. Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 Beyond the Basics

XVI. Soundbooth CS4

XVI.01. Soundbooth CS4 Essential Training
XVI.02. Soundbooth CS4 Getting Started
XVI.03. Soundbooth CS4 New Features

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