Step By Step Setup YiiBoilerPlate

copy from Yii Boilerplate Installation Guides: 1. Download YiiBoilerplate from 2. Map (or similar) to backend > www Map (or similar) to frontend > www (if required) 3. Create database for app Create database for test with suffix _test (if required) 4. Add db details to common > config > params-local.php 5. Remove comments from db connections in console > config > main.php Remove comments from db connections and gii in backend > config > main.php Remove comments from db connections in frontend > config > main.php (if required) 6. Run the following command ./runpostdeploy local non-migrate ./yiic migrate Yii Boilerplate Get Start: ** Please chmod 777 for the following file and folder - yiic and runpostdeploy - backend/views - backend/controllers - backend/models 1. Run the following command to create table in mysql ./yiic migrate create create_tablename 2. Goto folder console/migration/ and find the file to add in table stucture 3. Run the following command after edit migration file ./yiic migrate 4. Goto backend/config/main.php to uncomment Gii section and save the file 5. You can browse Gii with the following path and start work with your MVC To Enable Gii 1. Goto backend/config/main.php 2. uncomment Gii 3. Add the following code in Gii section, else you will get error 403 'ipFilters' => array('', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), To Browse Gii 1. Goto ********************* HAPPY CODING!! ******************

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