Module Hello World 3
Introduction This tutorial aims to further build on the helloworld module we expanded in part three. You will learn how to use parameters to fine tune some of the information that is displayed. We will also look at looking at ways to 'skin' your module output.. Requirements You need for this tutorial: • Joomla 1.0 or greater Let's Roll You will recall that we finished part 2 with your module displaying a list of the most hit times. Unfortunately we were stuck with displaying only 5 items and could not change the ordering. What we will do in this example is learn how to add parameters to the module so that you can vary these conditions. Setting up the Parameters We need to revisit the XML file that we created in part 1. We define all our parameters in this file. First let's consider what variables we want to allow the user to change: 1. We want a variable to change the number of items displayed. 2. We want to be able to select the ordering of the items from a list....