Cau hinh lab Mau cho DYnagen

#Disable tat ca cac router trong mo hinh. Dong tac nay lam giam tai hoat dong cua CPU, tranh su co treo may.
autostart = False
#DYNAGEN cho phep 1 mo hinh chay tren nhieu may PC, nguoi su dung chi khai bao ten may kem voi port UDP de DYNAGEN hoat dong.
#Mo hinh mang lon se duoc chia ra tren cac PC, mot so router chay tren PC 1, cac router khac chay tren PC 2, 3...
#Khai bao cac may tinh theo kieu [computername:7200], hoac [], hoac neu chi su dung 1 may khai bao [localhost:7200]
#Khai bao PC 1
#Xac dinh port UDP cho PC 1. DYNAGEN su dung port UDP nay de ket noi cac may tinh trong mang.
udp = 10000
#Chi duong dan ma DYNAGEN se tao ra cac file IOS ao, NVRAM ao, FLASH ao,...Day la noi se luu lai cau hinh bai lab, lan vao tiep theo se su dung cau hinh da luu.
workingdir = E:\Soft\DYNAGEN\working1

#DYNAGEN cho phep su dung IOS cua nhieu router nhu 26xx, 36xx,37xx, 7200. Theo kinh nghiem, nen chon router la 7200, cac router co module switch la 3725, 3745.
#Dinh nghia cac loai router
#Dinh nghia router 7200
#Chi dinh IOS se su dung de chay cho router 7200. IOS nay nen duoc giai nen de PC khoi giai nen khi chay, dong thoi mot so tinh nang nhu ghostios, sparsesmem cung yeu cau giai nen IOS.
image = C:\Program Files\Dynamips\images\C7200-JK.BIN
#Chon gia tri idlepc cho IOS. Gia tri idlepc se tuy thuoc vao IOS va CPU dang su dung. idlepc co tac dung lam giam tai cho CPU, giup PC co the chay nhanh va nhieu route hon.
idlepc = 0x60753e54
#Chon Engine xu ly cua router, engine cang lon cang manh, tuy nhien doi hoi cang nhieu RAM.
#Cac Network Processing Engine (npe) cua 7200 gom 100, 150,175, 200, 225, 300, 400. Thuong chon 200 hoac 400.
npe = npe-400
#Cap phat RAM cho router. RAM duoc cap phat tuy thuoc vao IOS. Cac ban IOS 12.4 tro len phai su dung it nhat 128BM cho 1 router, IOS 12.3 co the su dung 96 MB.
ram = 96
#Su dung RAM ao (virtual memory cua PC) de chay DYNAGEN. Neu gia tri mmap = False, DYNAGEN se lay RAM that de chay cho router.
mmap = True
#Su dung Ghost IOS cho cac router cung loai. Dung de tiet kiem dung luong o cung (neu khong co lenh nay, ung voi moi router se co 1 IOS ao).
#Lenh nay thiet lap 1 IOS dung chung cho tat ca router cung loai. Doi hoi phai giai nen cho IOS.
ghostios = True
#Thiet lap sparsesmem
sparsesmem = True
#Dinh nghia router 3725
image = C:\Program Files\Dynamips\images\C3725-AD.BIN
#idlepc = 0x602893ac
ram = 128
mmap = True
ghostios = True
sparsesmem = True
#Khai bao cac router trong mo hinh lab. Moi bai lab nen tao mot thu muc rieng de quan ly. Copy file cau hinh nay vao thu muc do. Chinh sua lai duong dan workingdir cho phu hop voi thu muc.
#Mo hinh nay nen chua nhieu nhieu router, switch (thuc chat la router co module switch) va 1 FRSW.
#Khai bao router R1
[[Router R1]]
#Chi dinh loai router (7200 hay 3725)
model = 7200
#Chi dinh port console cho thiet bi R1
console = 2001
#Cho router khoi dong va tim NVRAM de load cau hinh cu vao.
confreg = 0x2102
#Gan cac module can dung vao router R1. Nen de nguyen theo cau hinh sau day. Can su dung interface nao thi bat interface do len.
slot1 = PA-2FE-TX #Slot 1 se gan module gom 2 cong FastEthernet.
slot2 = PA-8T #Slot 2 se gan module gom 8 cong Serial.
#Ket noi cac interface cua router voi nhau. Phan nay tam thoi de trong. Tuy vao bai lab cu the, tuy mo hinh cu the se co ket noi thich hop.
#Vi du ket noi nhu sau: F0/0 = R2 F0/1, nghia la interface F0/0 cua router R1 se ket noi voi interface F0/1 cua router R2. Tuy nhien, ben phia R2 khong can dinh nghia ket noi nguoc lai.
#Vi du ket noi vao FRSW: S2/0 = FRSW 1, nghia la interface cua router R1 se ket noi vao interface 1 cua FRSW.
#Chon file cau hinh co ban da co san cho router. Dong nay nen bat len o lan dau tien chay mo hinh lab nao do.
#Nhung lan chay sau doi voi cung bai lab do khong can co dong nay, tat dong nay bang cach them dau "#" vao dau dong. File cau hinh khoi tao (initial) phai co truoc.
#cnfg = E:\Soft\DYNAGEN\initial\R1.txt
#Khai bao router R2
[[Router R2]]
model = 7200
console = 2002
confreg = 0x2102
slot1 = PA-2FE-TX
slot2 = PA-8T
#Ket noi
#cnfg = E:\Soft\DYNAGEN\initial\R2.txt

#Khai bao router R3
[[Router R3]]
model = 7200
console = 2003
confreg = 0x2102
slot1 = PA-2FE-TX
slot2 = PA-8T
#Ket noi
#cnfg = E:\Soft\DYNAGEN\initial\R3.txt
#Khai bao router R4
[[Router R4]]
model = 7200
console = 2004
confreg = 0x2102
slot1 = PA-2FE-TX
slot2 = PA-8T
#Ket noi

#cnfg = E:\Soft\DYNAGEN\initial\R4.txt
#Khai bao router R5
[[Router R5]]
model = 7200
console = 2005
confreg = 0x2102
slot1 = PA-2FE-TX
slot2 = PA-8T
#Ket noi
#cnfg = E:\Soft\DYNAGEN\initial\R5.txt

#Khai bao router R6
[[Router R6]]
model = 7200
console = 2006
confreg = 0x2102
slot1 = PA-2FE-TX
slot2 = PA-8T
#Ket noi
#cnfg = E:\Soft\DYNAGEN\initial\R6.txt
#Khai bao switch SW1
[[Router SW1]]
model = 3725
console = 2007
confreg = 0x2102
slot1 = NM-4T #Module gom 4 interface Serial cua router 3725
slot2 = NM-16ESW #Module switch L3 gom 16 interface FastEthernet cua router 3725
#Ket noi
#cnfg = E:\Soft\DYNAGEN\initial\SW1.txt
#Khai bao switch SW2
[[Router SW2]]
model = 3725
console = 2008
confreg = 0x2102
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-16ESW
#Ket noi
#cnfg = E:\Soft\DYNAGEN\initial\SW2.txt
#Khai bao switch SW3
[[Router SW3]]
model = 3725
console = 2009
confreg = 0x2102
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-16ESW
#Ket noi
#cnfg = E:\Soft\DYNAGEN\initial\SW3.txt
#Khai bao switch SW4
[[Router SW4]]
model = 3725
console = 2010
confreg = 0x2102
slot1 = NM-4T
slot2 = NM-16ESW
#Ket noi
#cnfg = E:\Soft\DYNAGEN\initial\SW4.txt
#Khai bao Terminal Server. Terminal Server giup de kiem soat bai lab hon. Chi can telnet vao router Terminal, Terminal se co ket noi qua card mang loopback cua PC, cho phep truy cap vao cac router khac #bang line console. Xem them cau hinh mau cua router Terminal.
[[Router Terminal]]
model = 7200
console = 2011
F0/0 = NIO_gen_eth:\Device\NPF_{4B7434E6-05F2-4801-8B9A-1997B3B299FF}
# Network device list:
# \Device\NPF_GenericDialupAdapter : Network adapter 'Adapter for generic dialup and VPN capture' on local host
# \Device\NPF_{4B7434E6-05F2-4801-8B9A-1997B3B299FF} : Network adapter 'MS LoopBack Driver' on local host
# \Device\NPF_{70EDE629-6193-4F25-B107-C5CFA31D6CCD} : Network adapter 'VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter' on local host
# \Device\NPF_{73C2E9B8-AEC8-47E0-A5E9-F0852549F5FE} : Network adapter 'VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter' on local host
cnfg = E:\Soft\DYNAGEN\initial\Terminal.txt
#Khai bao Frame-Relay Switching co ten la FRSW
#R1 noi voi FRSW
# 1:100 = 2:100
# 1:200 = 3:200
# 1:400 = 4:400
#R2 noi voi FRSW
# 2:500 = 3:500
# 2:600 = 4:600
#R3 noi voi FRSW
# 3:700 = 4:700
#R4 noi voi FRSW. Khong co cau hinh gi them vi ket noi da duoc dinh nghia tren day. Hay nho rang: ket noi trong DYNAGEN chi can dinh nghia 1 lan, chi can 1 chieu, khong can chieu nguoc lai.
Thay đổi chương trình telnet mặc định thành Secure CRT
Bạn vào thư mục cài đặt Dynagen mở file config.ini
Tìm đến đoạn
[code]# Uncomment below for Windows
telnet = start telnet %h %p
# Or better yet for Terra Term SSH users:
#telnet = C:\progra~1\TTERMPRO\ttssh.exe %h %p /W=%d /T=1
# For PuTTY users:
#telnet = start C:\progra~1\PuTTY\putty.exe -telnet %h %p
# For SecureCRT
#telnet = start C:\progra~1\SecureCRT\SecureCRT.EXE /script c:\progra~1\dynamips\securecrt.vbs /arg %d /T /telnet %h %p & sleep 1[code]
Bỏ thêm dấu # vào trước câu lệnh telnet = start telnet %h %p
Thêm vào trước đó câu lệnh
telnet = start C:\Progra~1\Secure~1.0\SecureCRT.EXE %h %p

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